Todos los artículos y entradas que aparecen en este blog, han sido elaborado por diferentes fuentes encontrados a través de la web, la mayoría proveniente de WIKIPEDIA, blogs oficiales y blogs roleras en todas las idiomas.

Algunos enlaces provienen de otras webs, por lo que se reconoce el esfuerzo y la dedicación de todas esas personas que suben los enlaces de manera desinteresada.


27 / 28 / 29 de Enero 2023


martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Durante las proximas 2 semanas, este blog estara de mantenimiento. Muchos de los enlaces ya no estaran operativos. Sin embargo, algunas si estaran operativas ya que son enlaces obtenidas por otras personas (thrid party), por lo cual Y SEGUN LA LEY ESPAÑOLA ACTUAL y las diversas sentencias judiciales emitidas por los Tribunales de España, mostrar, divulgar y exponer enlaces, ya sea de tipo HTML como torrents o enlaces eMule NO ES ILEGAL ni el uso de programas P2P(al menos en España) y siempre SIN ANIMO DE LUCRO.

Este blog solo pretende divulgar un hobby y dar conocer RPGs INACCESIBLES en España. NO hay casi editoriales que arriesgan a traducir y publicar RPGs, hay muy pocas editoriales que arriesgan a aventurarse.Hay muy buenos RPG, pero solo ser publica el mas conocido, que es el Dungeons and dragons. ¿Y qué pasa con el GURPS, los productos de Mongoose, Savage Worlds, Shadowrun y otros RPGs indies? ¿Y donde estan esos editoriales españolas o distribuidoras españolas que podrian vender los juegos en su version original? Es sabido que la industria editorial española esta a manos de unos pocos (a lo sumo 10) y deciden lo que van a publicar o no. Es mas rentable publicar a Dan Brown que a Robin Laws o a Monte Cook.

Y no hay librerías tradicionales que vende juegos de rol. Hay menos de 100 tiendas en España especializada en cómics, wargames y, por supuesto, juegos de rol.

¿Comprar a través de tiendas on-line españolas en España? Muchas tiendas on-line han desaparecido, algunos son falsos, muchos de ellos sólo aceptan Visa o Mastercard, NO ES SEGURO DE USAR TARJETAS DE CREDITO a traves de internet y PayPal no es una opción en muchas tiendas online españolas.

Lamentablemente las cosas son como son. España no esta tan avanzado como USA tanto a nivel de Internet como en la organizacion de eventos roleros.

Como dije cuando empece este blog: echa un vistazo y si gusta, compralo. Es la unica manera de apoyar a la industria rolera.

During the next 2 weeks, this blog will under maintenance. Many links will not be availble. However, some links will be operational because they are links collected by others (thrid party), because under THE CURRENT SPANISH LAW and various court veredicts issued by many Judges of Spain, displaying, disclosing and exposing links either HTML type or as torrents or eMule linksor the use of P2P programs IS NOT ILLEGAL (at least in Spain) if the website (or blog) is NON-PROFIT.

This blog is only intended to expand a hobby and to make AVAIBLES Non-Spanish roleplaying games in Spain. There is almost no publishers who risk to translate and publish roleplaying games in Spainish; there are very few publishers who does risk. There are very good roleplaying games, but only the well known (and profitable) games are published. In fact, only 3 games are translated in Spanish: Dungeons and Dragons 4th (only 5 books), Dark Heresy (only core book) & Chtulutech. And what about others such as GURPS, Mongoose books, Savage Worlds, Shadowrun and other indie RPGs? And where are the Spanish publishers or distributors that could sell roleplaying games in their original language (mainy english)? It is known that the Spanish publishing industry is in the hands of a few companies (about 10) and decide what to publish or not. Is more profitable publishing Dan Brown that Robin Laws or Monte Cook.

And there is no book stores that sells role playing games. An theres less than 100 stores in Spain specialized in comics, wargames and, of coures, Roleplaying games.

Buying thru Spanish Online book Stores in Spain? Many online stores dissapeared, some are fake, many only accept Visa or MASTERCARD, IT IS NOT SAFE TO USE CREDIT CARDS online and PayPal is not an option in many Spanish online stores.

Unfortunately things are as they are. Spain is not as advanced as the USA at both the Internet and in organizating RPG events.

As I said when I started this blog, download, read it and if you like it, buy it. It is the only way to support role-playing industry.

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi there. I recently moved to Valencia.

Is there a place where I can hook up with the local geek community? Eventually, could I get in touch with you?

Your system should have logged my email in the comments to get back in touch, alternatively I'll check if you answer here :-)

de Quant dijo...

Sorry, but my system did not logged your email. You must be a follower if you want me to answer by private message. I allow anonimous comments only and reply them here if necessary.

Also, I cannot grant you access to the forum: it is only limited for people from Latinamerican countries & Spain (rules approved by my followers. There are some exceptions.)

Anónimo dijo...

I am not in valencia right now.. I was there for about 15 days. I had to go back to Milan, but I might be back in a couple of weeks as I am setting up an agency in avenida del reino de valencia with some friends.

I love the city and I might spend quite a bit of time there. Do you know if there is any expat crew playing rpgs in english? My spanish is still far from being good enough but I'd love to get to do some gaming, especially of the indie variety.

You can find my identity by looking up user kiaroscuro on twitter. don't use it much these days though. I'll check back in the forum.

cheers mate!

Anónimo dijo...

I meant in the comments, not the forum.


de Quant dijo...


About a gaming group paying in english, well, try to search in the university of Valencia.

Thanks for answering!

Anónimo dijo...

right, erasmus students.
thanks for the hint.
